2013年10月15日 星期二

System Center 2012 R2 Preview - Virtual Machine Manager 無法完成安裝


  為了暸解在這個號稱已幅改善與非 Windows 系統相容性的版本上,是否可以達成 非 Windows 系統的 P2V 動作,所以動下開始一連串的System Center 2012 R2 Preview 測試。

  Preview 的版本是英文的

  安裝時使用了 Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview 的 VHD 檔,少了基本作業系統安裝算是不錯啦!但 SCVMM 2012 R2 只能自行安裝,應該是跟 SCVMM 要加入AD 管理,所以只能自己安裝。

  對於安裝過 SCVMM 2012 ,且已經測試過一段時間的我又撞牆了

  在設完所有安裝參數開始安裝後,出現了 “Setup cannot be completed” VMM management server 安裝失敗,而且有很詳細的說明教你如何排除喔!!(心想微軟有長進了)


Virtual Machine Manager cannot process the request because an error occurred while authenticating SRDD-SCVMM-Test.srdd.besta. 
Possible causes are:
1) The specified user name or password are not valid.
2) The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.
3) The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is not a two-way full trust between the two domains.
Log in by using an account on the same domain as the VMM management server, or by using an account on a domain that has a two-way full trust with the domain of the VMM management server, and then try the operation again. If this does not work, purge the Kerberos tickets on the VMM management server by using kerbtray.exe, available at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93709. Then, reset the SPN for SRDD-SCVMM-Test.srdd.besta by using setspn.exe available from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93710. If this still does not fix the problem, make SRDD-SCVMM-Test.srdd.besta a member of a workgroup instead of a domain, restart the computer, rejoin the domain, and then try the operation again.


        只好放棄上述的說明,轉而求助 谷歌大神

  Bingo !! 第一手就中了~


        問題出在 Computer Name ,VMM Server 不能安裝於有 “ -SCVMM- ”為名稱的機器上,修改後就可以正常安裝。


